Thank you for purchasing PrimeSMS. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email, via my user page contact form or put a ticket at Support Center .
Thank you so much!
Server Type: Linux (Shared / VPS / Dedicated)
PHP Version: 7
mySQL Version: 5x
Related Questions:
Question 1: Do i need VPS OR Dedicated Server?
ANS: No you can run our product with shared server too.
Question 2: Which Hosting Provider will be best you think?
ANS: Any hosting provider who provide Cpanel Based Hosting.
Question 3: What is Cpanel?
ANS: Cpanel is a Control panel for server. You can Check More Here
Question 4: Don't have Cpanel?
ANS: No worry, its working with any control panel but cpanel is too easy to manage, for that we recommand cpanel based hosting.
Step1: Upload to your host and unzip.
Step2: Create mySQL Database and Database User.
Step3: Open your browser and visit http://your-sitename/install.
Step4: Fill All Information there and click SETUP.
Step5: System is ready, you able to use now.
More: If still you failed to install pls contact us, we Offering FREE Install Service.
Used Css File For Various Purpose :
bootstrap.min.css (in css Folder)
fontawesome.min.css (in css Folder)
owl.carousel.css (in css Folder)
responsive.css (in css Folder)
slicknav.min.css (in css Folder)
magnific-popup.css (in Css Folder)
animate.css (in Css Folder)
style.css (in Css Folder)
If you would like to edit a specific section of the site, simply find the appropriate label in the CSS file, and then scroll down until you find the appropriate style that needs to be edited.
Main Scss File Are Listed Below :
_global.scss (in Scss/main Folder)
_mixins.scss (in Scss/main Folder)
_normalize.scss (in Scss/main Folder)
_variables.scss (in Scss/main Folder)
Section Scss File Are Listed Below :
_about.scss (in Scss/Section Folder)
_footer.scss (in Scss/Section Folder)
_header.scss (in Scss/Section Folder)
_navbar.scss (in Scss/Section Folder)
_partner_logo_carousel.scss (in Scss/Section Folder)
_road_map.scss (in Scss/Section Folder)
_subscription_section.scss (in Scss/Section Folder)
_team_section.scss (in Scss/Section Folder)
_why_us.scss (in Scss/Section Folder)
If you would like to edit a specific section of the site, simply find the appropriate label in the SCSS file, and then scroll down until you find the appropriate style that needs to be edited.
In addition to the custom scripts, I have implemented few "tried and true" plugins to create the effects. This plugin is packed, so you won't need to manually edit anything in the file. The only necessary thing to know is how to call the method
Fonts Used are :
Open Sans
Source Sans Pro
Icons Used are :
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